There was a series of huge droughts that ruined much of the produce and of the grains. They had to sell what little they had in order to survive and make up for losses but they were getting killed by imported goods or by grains from other places of the US that weren't hit so severely. This is why the grain prices started dropping which caused many hardships.
It sure wasn't D. They were slaves, bought and sold.
It didn't free the existing slaves in the United States. It made it illegal to import more people to be slaves.
The choice is between A and C.
I think you should pick C which was factually true and exactly what happened. In other words, the law was circumvented.
The problem with A is that it they were let in directly at the request of Georgia and South Carolina. These two states had very complex responses to the Jan 1, 1808 law. Their economies depended on as many slaves as they could get legally or not.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) changed the people's beliefs, their behavior, their customs, and their social norms, and he did so by convincing them with kindness and gentle persuasion. He did not force people to agree with him.
Most immigrants from Europe during the early twentieth came from the south and east.
Sociology can be defined as the systematic and scientific study of human society and social behavior
Almost any level- from interactions between two people to large-scale institutions.