It was given to him to help pay back his debts
Penn obtained the land from King Charles II as payment for a debt owed to his deceased father.
Answer: Split up
In this episode, the Teen Detectives - Jake and Summer - are tasked with investigating the disappearance of art pieces all over the world. They go to a museum to investigate and notice a man take a picture of them but he then disappears.
Their investigations lead Summer to believe that the thieves are going to Greece and so she decides to go there as well while Jake investigates another lead. They therefore split up at the end of the episode.
<span>Lille is a French commune in northern France, is nicknamed "the capital of Flanders", it is 10 km from the Belgian border, this city has a temperate oceanic climate, with mild winters and summers there are fresh.
Lille has an important transport network making it a European crossroads.
Lille was the most besieged city of France.
Is it what you wanted<span>?
(Lille est une commune française,située dans le nord de la France,on la surnomme "la capitale des Flandres",elle se trouve à 10 km de la frontière Belge,cette ville a un climat tempéré océanique, les hivers sont doux et les étés y sont frais.
Lille a un important réseau de transports qui en fait d'elle un carrefour européen.
Lille a été la ville la plus assiégée de France.)
Mes copains sont amusants.
La femme et l'homme sont polis.
Les étudiantes sont occupées.
Marceau et toi, vous êtes élégants.
Justine est réservée.
La différence est importante.
Mme Onfret, vous êtes sincère.
Tu es difficile !