Your credit history is all the information—such as credit accounts, balances due and details of your payment history—contained in your credit report. ... Your credit score, also known as your FICO score, is used by lenders to determine your credit worthiness.
the first and fourth and fifth
i think it's the best ways
The correct answer is: [A]:
" When the teacher passed out the baby pigs the class was supposed to dissect, one of the students lost their lunch. "
<u>Note</u>: This is the only answer choice given that uses a "euphemism" ; or "polite-sounding idiom or expression" to replace an otherwise distasteful event or situation or description of something.
In this particular statement, the euphemism is: "lost [their] lunch".
Note that to "lose [one's] lunch" is a euphemism for "vomiting" (an unpleasant description or event.
Hope this helps!
Best wishes to you!
you once had shopping experience
because it is in past form so should be written in this pattren