1.associations formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations~alliances
2.a ceasefire agreement, not a surrender~armistice
3.November 11, 1918, the day that the Germans and Allies signed the armistice~Armistice Day
4.a movement arising from World War I that found glory in war and exerted a radical authoritarian style often accompanied by violence~fascism
5.the policy of maintaining a large military establishment to be used aggressively at a moment's notice~militarism
6.fighting that involves an army digging long trenches at the front, from which soldiers can fight and remain protected~trench warfare
7.a form of government that recognizes no limits and no individual freedoms for its citizens~totalitarianism
Well in October 7, 1763 king george III issued a proclamation that forbade colonial settlement west of the appalachian mountains. he hoped to placate native americans who had sided against him during the recently concluded seven years war.
In 1779, as a practical solution, Jefferson supported gradual emancipation, training, and colonization of African-American slaves rather than immediate manumission, believing that releasing unprepared persons with no place to go and no means to support themselves would only bring them misfortune. In 1784, Jefferson proposed a federal law banning slavery in the New Territories of the North and South after 1800, which failed to pass Congress by one vote.In his Notes on the State of Virginia, published in 1785, Jefferson expressed a belief that slavery corrupted both masters and slaves alike, and that gradual colonization would be preferable to immediate manumission. In 1794 and 1796, Jefferson freed two male slaves; they had been trained and were qualified to hold employment.Most historians believe that after the death of his wife Martha, Jefferson had a long-term relationship with her half-sister, Sally Hemings, a slave at Monticello. jefferson allowed two of Sally Hemings's surviving four children to "escape"; the other two he freed through his will. In 1824, Jefferson proposed a national plan to end slavery by the federal government purchasing African-American slave children for $12.50, raising and training them in occupations of freemen, and sending them to the country of Santo Domingo. In his will, Jefferson also freed three other men.In 1827, the remaining 130 slaves were sold to pay the debts of Jefferson's estate
Jefferson was initially very enthusiastic about the French Revolution and was living in Paris serving as the US minister to France when it began. His friend from the American Revolution, the Marquis de Lafayette, was equally eager to bring representative democracy to France.
Internal terrorism and external terrorism both pose a great threat, but terrorism carried out by the United State's own citizens can be much more harmful in the long run. My favorite quote about this is nerdy, but it's from Captain America: Civil War and is stated by the true antagonist of the movie, "An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That's dead... forever." We as a people can rally against an outside threat and rise from whatever they may do to us, but we become exponentially weaker if we must rally against those within our own borders. That's just kinda my opinion.