The Kaaba, which Muslims believe was built by Abraham and his son Ismail as a monotheistic house of worship, is considered Islam's most sacred site. Believers around the world face the Kaaba during their five daily prayers. Muslims don't worship the Kaaba, but view it as a metaphorical house of God.
just a start
The indigo trade, or the transportation of the product from the location where it was produced to the people who consumed it, was a critical component of the commodity chain. This is also the component for which we have consistent and trustworthy data. This enables us to calculate trade aggregates over relatively long time periods, detect and analyze patterns of development and decline, and interpret these phenomena in their local and global settings. Indigo trade volume expansion or contraction reflects the potentialities of production and supply in India on the one hand, and the dynamics of local and external demand for it on the other.
Juan ponce de leon
he thought it would be found on Florida
A centrally planned economy is by definition an economy in which economic decisions are made by the government instead by the relationships between consumers and businesses. One advantage is that the state can maximize the land, labor, and capital to serve its goals. Answer then is A.
Mexico owned Texas in 1834, but in 1836 Texas had become it's own country for some time!