the correct answer is inside your lips
The theremin is considered to be the first electronic musical instrument ever made, a legendary machine. It is also the only instrument in the world that can be played without needing to be touched! The magnetic field is changed by the varying distances between the two hands.
1. It was transported to the Shelby White and Leon Levy Lod Mosaic Archaeological Center.
2. eight years
3. It was discovered in 1996 by construction workers in the town of Lod, Israel.
The Lod Mosaic is a mosaic floor discovered in 1996 in Israel. It dates to approximately 300 CE and it is one of the best-preserved mosaic floors. It contains fishes, land animals, and two Roman sheep. It has approximately 180 m2.
After an overseas tour of eight years, it was transported to Shelby White and Leon Levy Lod Mosaic Archaeological Center, built especially for storing the mosaic.