{Hello Kirito here! i hope you find my answer helpful!}
His voice is Passive
{Agian i hope i helped you!}
Write the subject in the center of the paper.
I would say that the sense of urgency would be for warning that Hitler had a plan to invade Britain since such an event would be extremely serious and would require all the armed force to be marshalled to prevent this and to fight the Nazis in the air, on the ground and at sea to repel them and show the resolve of the people of Britain.
Essay On How Animals Are Treated
“Animals should be treated with the same respect as humans”. It is a common belief that a human is superior to any other animal, mainly because of the extended intelligence that the former is gifted with. However, it is my strong conviction that all living things are worthy of the same respect and deserve to be treated with the same consideration. In the first place, I think that people should respect the whole creation of God, including animals. The fact that humans exist with them only means that they are all equals in the eyes of the divine providence, so they should all be respected and protected. Furthermore, it appears that animals have feelings and conscience too and having a pet as a companion can teach one a sense of responsibility. A striking example of their intelligence and nobility is the fact that pets are often specially trained to help their blind or deaf owners. In contrast, there are those who claim that, because animals are less evolved than humans, they do not possess the same awareness of the world and represent pottial enemies. Were this true, animals would have already taken over the world as they do in the science fiction movies. While it cannot be denied that humans are the most intelligent and complex creatures on earth, it is my firm belief that animals also deserve respect and appreciation. I believe they are necessary in our lives, as we are in theirs.