Emperor Constantine
Emperor Constantine was the first roman emperor
It’s when a person is really ready to do something great
The Quran.
The holy book of Islam is the Quran.
The Middle Passage specific refers to the journey the Africans slaves made from Africa to the Americas. It is called that because it was 2nd trip made by European slaves ships during the Triangular Trade.
The Triangular trade refers to the entire process, and similar to what you described in your question. That is, the European ships traveled to Africa to sell manufactured products for slaves; then these ships took the slaves and continued on across the Atlantic to the Americas (the middle passage), and traded the slaves for raw materials (like cotton) from the colonies; and finally they took these raw materials back to Europe to make clothing and whatever.
Railroad technologies
City planners saw a great promise in railroad technologies in resolving the problems facing public transports. As a result, railway transport was immensely integrated into several city public transport systems.