Answer: Ralph, Jack and Simon go off to explore the island. While Jack is hunting, Ralph and Simon try to build two shelters out of palm trunks and leaves. Later, Simon walks around on the island with the littluns following him. He helps them pick some fruit and then goes into the jungle by himself.
Ralph, Jack and Simon go off to explore the island. While Jack is hunting, Ralph and Simon try to build two shelters out of palm trunks and leaves. Later, Simon walks around on the island with the littluns following him. He helps them pick some fruit and then goes into the jungle by himself. Simon represents saintliness and a kind of innate, spiritual human goodness that is deeply connected with nature and, in its own way, as primal as Jack's evil instinct. (William Golding:113) This embodies his double vision of human being. Simon is a symbolic Christ figure throughout the novel, and his death reflects Christ's brutal crucifixion. Essentially, Simon's death represents the loss of civility on the island and the point of no return.
If you mean Anne Frank, she was miserable and forced to stay in the attic. It affected her life because she didn’t have freedom and she constantly was worried.