Find X in the given right angled triangle ABC i) angle B=90 degree
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In 313, Constantine issued the Edict of Milan granting Christianity a legal status,
Answer: Considering what manhood means to four main characters in the story;
Explanation: Macbeth believes manhood should be about boldness and bravery. Lady Macbeth believes a man should be daring, courageous, be able to exercise great self control while being ready to succeed at all cost even if it means murder. Malcolm's idea of manhood is seeking revenge even if it means murder and Macduff believes manhood is more than revenge and murder.
While Malcolm believes a man should seek revenge, Macduff shows that it should not be just about revenge and that a real man should be sensitive enough to feel grief.
Malcolm's view contradicts his earlier description of himself as he said he is a man who doesn't do bad things, yet he wants Macduff to seek revenge and kill