1. Ecologists call this one-way flow of matter and energy from a producer to a primary, then to secondary, and perhaps to a tertiary consumer, a food chain. ... ~ Single food chains do not show all the feeding relationships in ecosystems. The food web shows all the organisms at each feeding level or trophic level.
2. Energy flows through an ecosystem in one direction: from producer to primary consumer to secondary consumer to higher consumers. A biomass pyramid provides a picture of the feeding and nergy relationships within a food web and the direction of the flow of energy.
A mustang is a kind of horse and a kind of car
Running away or fleeing, feigning as though sick and sabotaging the property of the slave holders are some acts of resistance. Slavery existed in the southern states and it had taken a toll on the younger men who were made slaves and hired to any plantations or run errands for their owners. Slaves would flee to north but was not easy. If they were caught, they were given death penalty too.
Pretending to be sick is mostly practiced by women slaves. They were permitted by their owners in order to save their child bearing capacity.
Incapacitating or damaging the property of the slave holders is another form of resistance which annoyed their owners.
The life of peasants under the Tokugawa Shogunate was they paid high taxes and mainly lived in poverty.
Answer: Option A
The main job of the peasants in the Tokugawa Shogunate was to grow crops and do farming. These peasants barely owned the land on which they could only live or some of them did not even own land and they had to rent it from the land lords and had to work as tenant farmers. They also had to pay rent, sometimes in the form of rice, and all these situations led to them living in poverty.