Use the back of the book and put it in your own words.
What is the difference between an internal event and an external event?
NOT TRUE->Used Experimental Techniques Included Allusions Were inspired by nature.
TRUE->Captured the cynicism and disappointment people felt toward outdated nineteenth-century ideas.
Modernist poetry refers to poetry written, mainly in Europe and North America, between 1890 and 1950 in the tradition of modernist literature, but the dates of the term depend upon a number of factors, including the nation of origin, the particular school in question, and the biases of the critic setting the dates.
What are the elements of modernist poetry?
- Speaker or Narrator, and Point of View. Omniscient voice, usually speaking in imperative ("It has to") or declarative statements.
- Form and Meter. Free verse.
- Metaphors and Similes. "the theatre was changed" - use of theatre as a metaphor for the literary scene. ...
- Alliteration and Assonance. ...
C. relevant to the new individuals they have become