Petrie 3
Egypt. Kissinger 4
Weigall 1
Egypt a study 5
Roman 2
Tyldoswly 7
Britannica inc 6
The Three men's lives were saved as they were held above water by the monster which they discover to be a modern submarine, named the Nautilus, as they climb inside they come upon the submarines captain and his crew, his name is Captain Nemo (as i recall).
Answer: No characters don't have to be likable. There could be a connection because it could be what you see in yourself. Reflection almost.
The reader can often relate to the unlikable character because the character resembles a part of the reader. Hope this helps!
Cinderella has to...
She has to sort lentils and peas into their jars. The birds help her. She then goes to her mother's grave and her mothers' ghost gives her a gown.