A run-on sentence.
A sentence fragment is a group of words that looks like a sentence, but actually isn't a complete sentence. For example, 'I like cheeseburgers' is an independent clause. Sentence fragments never have independent clauses, but instead are dependent clauses or phrases. So, it would not worked.
A run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses (also known as complete sentences) are connected improperly.
A grammatically correct sentence is when a sentence is grammatically correct.
I said this is a run on sentence, because there is no comma or any type of puntuation between spaghetti and I.
Sodden would be with soaked.
lengthy would be with prolonged
endure would be with tolerate
countless would be with innumerable
news correspondents should be new correspondents. But that's not the answer to your question lol this is:
Your welcome.
"a. After the rain ended, the sky became blue" would contain an independent clause and a dependent clause, which makes it a complex sentence, since the latter half wouldn't be the same without the former half.
Insert image
You can get an image using the "insert image" option of a word processing program. A word procesing program, such as Word, is designed to help you with text. This is a useful program when we are writing essays, stories or any other type of written work. However, this is not the only use that a word processing program has. For example, such a program can also insert images in a text. To do so, we need to go to the menu "insert" and select "image."