Similes- a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid
Example- She was as sly as a fox.
Metaphor- a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
Example-Laughter is the best medicine.
Immigrants were taken from their ships to be processed at Ellis Island before they could enter the country. About 12 million immigrants would pass through Ellis Island during the time of its operation, from 1892 to 1954. Many of them were from Southern and Eastern Europe.
The answer to the first unknown is "POCKET" while in the second unknown is "CANNOT". Hence, in order for us to complete the statement in the problem we have it, a POCKET veto can occur when the president has presented a bill during the last ten days of a legislative session and CANNOT be overridden by a two-thirds vote in both the house of Congress.
the answer is the first one.
If you remember newspapers were how many people envied war and how many thought that the British soldiers did wrong in the Boston Massacre where both sides were at fault.
Plato was actually a student of Socrates. Their ideals were
almost similar but they did differ as far as their opinion on democracy was
concerned. Socrates was a great believer in democracy. He was of the opinion
that the people possessed real knowledge and all good things were within the
people. So he believed that democracy was the only way to gain happiness. Plato
on the other hand did not believe in pure democracy, but he believed in
Republic Democracy, which is a mixture of democracy and oligarchy.