Answer: As allies of Japan, Germany and Italy then declared war on the U.S., officially freeing the U.S. from “neutrality.”
James Madison was one of the founding fathers of the United States and the 4th president. He believed that Great Britain represented a greater threat than France because, as a former ruler of America, it still had commercial interests regarding these territories.
Great Britain had executed a Naval Blockade against France during the Napoleonic wars. This prevented any other country, including the United States, to engage in trade with the French. Many incidents regarding American civilian sailors and British Navy officials occurred due to this blockade, including the impressment of them into the British Navy in order to support the blockade. This triggered Madison's decision to declare war, which is justified as the blockade was hurting the commercial interests and economy of the United States.
Ethnic unification occurs when an ethnic group hopes to join together in a new country.
He believe he was avoiding extremes. his own desires and those of martha, he wrote, were "limited"
good, sweet but bad for you