a) One character tries something new and likes it while the other character tries a new activity and does not like it.
Carlos is hesitant to try a new hot dog topping in "Time for a Change," but he ends up loving it. In "Hide and Seek," Raj is terrified of sliding down a slide, but he does it anyway and has a fantastic time. Even if they are hesitant or fearful at first, the characters in both works find that trying new things is good.
In Carlos' example, a small change to his hot dog results in a new discovery and a more delightful lunch. Raj had a more memorable experience as a consequence of his fortitude in the face of his fear of heights. Both characters had a nice time with the encounter after some reluctance.
According to the tales, it is necessary to regularly take chances and go beyond of one's comfort zone. Even though your expectations are not always realized, exploring new things may lead to interesting experiences and learning chances that you would not have had otherwise. It's okay to feel afraid at first; it's all part of the enjoyment. To succeed, you must be open to new ideas and prepared to take some chances.
1. Pour water into tank
2. Fill the filter with coffee
3. Make sure the coffee machine is plugged in
4. Turn on the machine
6. Wipe off coffee pot
He means that the justice system works only when each individual juror takes his duty seriously. This means that a juror must use reason and intellect, weigh the evidence objectively, and leave all biases and/or prejudices out of the courtroom.
Atticus's closing speech is found at the end of chapter 20 where he begins by saying that there aren't many complicated facts in this case. What the jury must remember, and what Atticus does not take time to retell for them is first, Mayella was beaten on her right side which signifies that the abuser was left-handed. Mr. Ewell is left-handed and Tom Robinson's left hand is crippled and unable to have hurt anyone. Next, there is no medical evidence showing that Mayella was raped by anyone, let alone by Tom. Finally, there are no secondary witnesses to testify for either side to say who is telling the truth. Therefore, Atticus shifts all of the blame to Mayella Ewell and places the word guilty upon her during his closing arguments. Atticus also blames the South's social and racial boundaries for the situation that the Ewells and Tom Robinson find themselves in that day.
And you can add your personal reaction
I'm so sorry if it's not right
<u>Try D.</u>
<u />
Hoped I helped!
Have a nice day-