"Unique" characteristic: gold is classified as a noble and heavy metal; in trade it is the most common of the precious metals.
Importance Au: Gold is not an essential element for any living being. However, it is used in medicine (chrysotherapy uses gold as a healing element), where gold (I) thiolates are used as anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and other rheumatic diseases.
Unique feature: Zinc is a bluish-white metal that conducts electricity.
Importance: participates in the division and growth of cells, as well as in wound healing and carbohydrate metabolism.
*you will have to look for the photo of each mineral :)*
Destination. In Spanish, por and para can be used to describe travel or motion. A simple rule to remember when to use the two prepositions is that por refers to travel/motion through a place or location while para refers to the destination of a journey. Salimos por la puerta.