Um I think it because the real human are have a big eyes
Listen to his name songs right now
Now we know the slope of the line is \greenD{740}740start color #1fab54, 740, end color #1fab54 and the yyy-intercept is (0, \maroonD{-400})(0,−400)left parenthesis, 0, comma, start color #ca337c, minus, 400, end color #ca337c, right parenthesis, so we can write the equation of that line:
I think it might either be fades with time or is timeless. Hope this helps
Neo-romanticism is a style that combines elements of romantic music but reimagines them with an awareness of modernist musical processes. Neo is designated as a transition of music into a romantic one during an unromantic age, while Romanticism describes all musical forms created in the late 19th century.