I don’t consider Nick Naylor to be an immoral person because he chooses to work as a tobacco lobbyist as immorality isn’t associated with smoking tobacco.
Immorality is associated with evil wrongdoings.
Smoking of tobacco isn’t an evil or bad practice and should never be used in the same context as being an immoral behavior/act.
A biography is the life history of an individual, written by someone else. An autobiography is the story of a person's life, written by that person.
Okay so we have gateway drugs, and over the counter drugs. There are more drugs but I'm afraid I don't have enough space. Gateway drugs are the worst, they are what start people off. say you had a friend that took marijuana and then went up to meth. they started off on marijuana, the gateway drug, they got so used to it that it didn't affect them anymore so they up graded. Drugs are always serious not matter the dose you take. I hope this helped