because humans count on coral reefs and the sealife they support,coral reefs should be able to count on humans too.
Social isolation<span> is the complete or near-complete lack of contact between an individual and society. It differs from loneliness, which reflects a temporary lack of contact with other humans. </span>Social isolation<span> can be an issue for individuals of any age, though symptoms may differ by age group.</span>
It means to give credit to the author and source. It helps in an argument because when you're trying to prove a point, you have to have factual evidence that proves you're right.
Verbatim nd activities" which are "extensive" to the audio have to also be mentioned. Use brackets "[ ]" for notes. The notes are "usually" written in "lower case" irrespective of the position in the sentence.
Complete verbatim captures the spoken phrase exactly as said, including filler phrases, stutters, and fake starts off evolved. smooth verbatim then again captures phrases precisely as said, but enhancing is carried out. clean verbatim corrects for filler words, repeated phrases, and start.
clean verbatim transcription filters the spoken language a bit, as the primary purpose of this kind of transcription is to extract the meaning of what was being said. all through a clean verbatim transcription, filler words pauses, and sounds like coughing or sighing can be not noted..
In Verbatim, only the part of the word this is spoken is written, followed by means of a dash to reveal that it changed into cut off. the following example illustrates coping with fake begins and incomplete words. A: And he hit, he hit my face-, uh, fender. I noticed his veh-, car coming at me.
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