I'll tell you. M' father, Pip, he were given to drink, and when he were overtook with drink, he hammered away at my mother, most unmerciful. It were a'most the only hammering he did, indeed, 'xcepting at myself. And he hammered at me with a wigour only to be equalled by the wigour with which he didn't hammer at his anwil. - You're a-listening and understanding, Pip?"
In this excerpt, the action of "hammering"
hope this helps
2 insulation
3 protection
5 sneeze
7 collide
Romeo and Juliet is a novel composed by William Shakespeare at the height of his life about two teenage star-crossed lovers whose murders eventually unite their feuding societies. This was one of Shakespeare's most famous works in his lifetime and, along with Hamlet, remains one of his most often performed plays. Currently, the main protagonists are known to be archetypal teenage lovers.
Shakespeare's the use his poetic dramatic framework (especially effects such as moving between humour and disaster to enhance suspense, his proliferation of side characters, and his need for semi-plots to fabricate the storey) has been celebrated as an early indication of his theatrical ability. The play applies various literary styles to specific individuals, often altering the structure as the storey grows.
Therefore, it is considered to be one of he best literature of all time.
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