La razón porque asuntos del medioambiente, consumo de sustentable y el cambio climático son desafíos mundiales es que las acciones de una país o persona puede afectar a much más personas de lo que puedes imaginar. Por ejemplo, el cambio climático afecta los animales de antártica porque se están descongelando los Hielos donde viven los osos polares. Otra razón por que nos afecta a todos es porque cuando los hielos se derriten causa que la marea suba y puede afectar las personas de norte America.
Letra A se escribe Parque
1. Yo quiero poder viajar a España este verano.
I want to be able to travel to Spain this summer.
2. Ella hace sus jugadas con mucha precisión y poder.
She makes her moves with much precision and power.
3. No vas a poder hacer eso.
You’re not gonna be able to do that.
Lucila is taller and prettier ____ tita. more than Aunty is thinner because she eats vegetables than her sister does. of less than lucila it is more ____ than tita because it is cheerful. Sympathetic list goes down to Tita likes to eat at home. he goes to ____ restaurants than his sister. It is shy, but active. he does ____ exercise (exercise) than his sister. every day it takes more ____ five glasses (glasses) of mineral water. more, so much, less, more, that, less, so lucila eats a lot of fries and worries ____ that tita for eating fruits. They are different! but they get along well. less, so more, both of, as
D. japonesa
Ella es de Japón Ella es _: