1) llamaron
2) decir
3) habían
4) tenía
5) era
6) dije
7) quería
8) hicimos
9) compramos
10) llegamos
11) sorprendieron
12) fuimos
13) dieron
14) fueron
The past tense, or simple past tense, of the indicative is used in Spanish to express actions that began and ended in the past and took place in a timely manner or in a limited time space, or that interrupted another course of action also past and that It is expressed in the past imperfect.
El año pasado LLEGÓ una chica nueva a clase. Era china, de Pekín. Con un mapa nos EXPLICÓ todo sobre su país y su ciudad.
Ella va concinar las verduras.
It might be different by the Spanish-speaking country's standards. Maybe you might be confused by what the doctor is saying because you don't speak Spanish well. Maybe the procedure/checkup you're having is different from what you are used in the country you lived at before you visited this country.
el viene con nosotros al restaurante.