The correct answer is <span>d. adair v. united states
The first case was decided in 1975, the second case was decided in 2002, while the third case was decided in 1991. Only the last case was held in 1908 and it dealt with employment contracts, mostly regarding bans on joining unions which was often forbidden in contracts.</span>
In Leviathan (1651), Hobbes argued that the absolute power of the sovereign was ultimately justified by the consent of the governed, who agreed, in a hypothetical social contract, to obey the sovereign in all matters in exchange for a guarantee of peace and security.
<span>the dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection.</span>
After the Chaldeans defeated the Hebrew Kingdom, they made Jews their slaves and took them to Babylon. The king of the Chaldeans who is Nebuchadnezzar exiled only the important people of Jerusalem. The other people were allowed to stay. Around 10,000 Jews were coerced to move to Babylon.
La temperatura más baja existente es el llamado cero absoluto. Se representa como 0K (cero grado Kelvin). Es tan bajo como -273,14°C. Es un valor teórico, que no se ha alcanzado en ningún experimento físico