Answer: A higher dependency ratio is likely to reduce productivity growth. A growth in the non-productive population will diminish productive capacity and could lead to a lower long-run trend rate of economic growth.
The first step in the formation of a hotspot volcano is lava erupts and forms an island. Magma<span> generated by the </span>hot spot<span> rises through the rigid plates of the </span>lithosphere<span> and produces active volcanoes at the Earth's surface.</span>
Answer: Some are mountains valleys basins canyons buttes and hills.
Polar bear viewing tourists perceive climate change to be negatively impacting polar bears
Polar bear viewing tourists perceive climate change to be negatively impacting polar bears but do not necessarily understand how they themselves contribute to GHG emissions, or understand offsetting possibilities. The polar bear viewing industry is estimated to contribute 20,892 t/CO2 per season.
Question 14. Option b
Question 15. Option a
Question 16. option c
Question 14.:
Regardless of the heaviness of the Ash particles inside it blended with the hot volcanic gases, this is the light comparative with the cold encompassing air.
It rises convectively over the thrust area and is known as the convective ascent region of the emission section.
Question 15.:
Since the gravity isn't so solid on Mars and Mercury Lava streams can be thicker as a result of which they don't cool so quick when contrasted with the earth. Little cone volcanoes on Mars would tend to be in general more extensive and shorter.
Question 16.:
Cryovolcano is otherwise called the ice spring of gushing lava. What's more, cryovolcanism is a method where the ejection of magma from ice happens as opposed to rock in molten form. Cryo Magma or the cryo magma or ice volcanic liquefy are normally fluids or vapor.