1. HAZ la tarea a tiempo.
2. HABLES durante la clase.
3. PON los platos sucios en el lavaplatos.
4. Para bajar de peso, COME menos grasa.
5. No SALGAS a estas horas.
6. No VAYAS a clase sin tu tarea.
7. DI la verdad.
8. No DUERMAS más de ocho horas cada noche.
You must complete the blanks with the imperative form of the verbs in brackets.
1. DO your homework on time.
2. Don´t SPEAK during class.
3. PLACE dirty dishes in the dishwasher.
4. To lose weight, EAT less fat.
5. Don't GO OUT at this time.
6. Don't GO to class without your homework.
7. TELL the truth.
8. Don't SLEEP more than eight hours a night.