Our attitudes toward the past and future shape our actions by the outcomes of our actions. For example, if you are nice and give a helping hand when needed, you will be rewarded with kindness back. Your actions in the past always affects your future. I hope this was what you were looking for
He asks her if she is going to leave him unsatisfied for the night and she asks how can she satisfy him.
I think that you put it under the wrong category, but the answer was to dedicate a plot of land that would become Soldier's National Cemetery.
Chaptet 8: It's recess, so Miss Honey goes straight to see the Trunchbull, because she wants to explain what a genius Matilda is.
There's just one problem: the Trunchbull is a scary person. And she's not the most understanding individual in the world. To say the least.
As soon as the conversation starts it's pretty clear that Miss Honey is scared of the Trunchbull, and the Trunchbull will barely let Miss Honey get a word in.
Chapter 9: Unconvinced that Matilda's parents are unaware of how smart Matilda really is, Miss Honey decides to visit her parents between nine and ten o'clock that night to ensure, or guarantee, that Matilda will already be asleep.