brief history of Judaism
Abraham is traditionally considered to be the first Jew and to have made a covenant with God. Because Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all recognize Abraham as their first prophet, they are also called the Abrahamic religions.
One of the main qualities for Greeks was justice, but then
again this had a much wider meaning than it does in English. It meant also
treating people justly and justifiably. In Greco-Roman law the defendant had
the right to guard himself, although deprived of money he was left defending
himself. The Greek city states could be oligarchies or a division of the army,
or a restricted democracy. Rome started as a kingdom and then turn into a
republic – in the first place, aristocratic only but then merchants got voted,
and after much widespread anxiety the people were embodied by the Tribune. Furthermore,
any Roman citizen could vote, a major concern at that period.
Well Republicans were outraged and upset about these laws.
B) She died shortly after the Civil War in 1867.
Harriet Tubman died on March 10, 1913 of pneumonia