The desire to promote respect for the culture, talent, and humanity of African Americans.
for schools to be shut down?
Pear : Skin , Flesh
Coriander : Leaves , Stem
Ginger : Leaves , Shoots
Potato : Tubers ( Tubers are little stems )
Cumin : Seeds
Beetroot : Some people discard the leaves of beetroot so Leaves is the answer
Sugarcane : Inner Stem
Papaya : Flesh , Seeds
Papaya seeds have a spicy taste to it but some of people discard it .
Spinach : Leaves , Stem
Rice : Endosperm which we eat . it is rice .
Banana : Fruit , Flower and Stem
Heliocentrism <span> is the </span>astronomical<span> model in which the </span>Earth<span> and planets revolve around the </span>Sun<span> at the center of the </span><span>Solar System....i think
The people are in charge of the government