<span>Por favor, espere un momento, tengo que buscar mi cuaderno.
Please wait a minute, I have to get my notebook.
Hable más fuerte por favor.
Please speak louder.
Por favor, hable más despacio.
Please, speak slower.
Must not do.
Por favor, no grite en el teléfono.
Please, do not yell over the phone.</span><span>
No hable tan rápido, por favor.
Do not speak so fast please.
Source: Soy completamente bilingue y entiendo los dos lenguajes por igual/Speak fluent bilingual in both languages and understand both the same. Hope it helps/ Espero que le haya ayudado :)</span>
Verdadeiro eu acho nao tenho certeza
Todos los estudiantes nos bañamos siempre por la mañana.
U can delete los estudiantes if u want, i just added someone
Me sentía
Ayer fui a la doctora porque no me sentía bien
Explanation:The Tarahumara or Raramuri, as they call themselves, inhabit the Copper Canyon, as it is known in the U.S., or the Sierra Tarahumara in northwest Mexico. The actual name Tarahumara was what the first Spanish called these Native American people