Run on sentence. A comma splice is a sentence that uses a comma when it should instead be either a colon, semicolon, or conjunction, and there is no comma so that is wrong. There should also be a period between bed and he. Here is what the complete senctwnces would look like: My dog sleeps beside my bed. He wakes me up in the middle of the night to let him out.
The correct answer is The new cloak
The land of infinity is a land in which the oath never ends and is basically infinite. Here the main character meets a young boy that tells him the roads of infinity never meet. So in this you can find roads that never meet and a young boy.
1) 2.5.
2) 1.666.
3) Yes, because its decimals are not infinite.
1) To determine what is 5/2, that is, five halves, the following calculation must be performed:
5/2 = X
2.5 = X
So 5/2 is equal to 2.5.
2) To determine what is 10/6, that is, ten sixths, the following calculation must be performed:
10/6 = X
1.666 = X
So, 10/6 is equal to 1,666.