Answer: prosperity
The economy of Australia is characterized not only by high unemployment rate, low unemployment rate nor foreign subsidies but by prosperity. The economic prosperity enjoyed by Australia is due to the high industrialization of the country and its modern technologies.
There isn´t other planet on which we could survive unprotected
Still no other planet has been found that has an atmosphere capable of retaining oxygen and decreasing solar radiation so that the person does not need as much oxygen equipment as a special suit to avoid the different types of raciations that can reach the planet .
It is also believed that it is possible to find on a future planet similar to Earth in which you can live without protection.
In simple terms, a Constitution is the fundamental norm of a structural nature that allows organizing a State, being the guide that directs its governance. This rule is also known under the expressions of "Magna Carta", "Fundamental Charter", "Supreme Law", "Superior Law" or "Political Code"
- May be it was formed by faulting using the compression forces and hence formed due to the reverse faults formed
- Or, it was formed due to downwarping
Anyways it would have been better if you added the picture of the valley