I'm gonna go out on a limb and say "using shapes and colors to depict something real" is correct.
Typically, artists who do abstract art use shapes and colors to express things like emotion. They can do abstract art about a real event, or how they feel about it. It isn't entirely limited to expressing sad emotions, though. It isn't limited to shapes and colors that are hard to understand, either. But all of these answers are technically <em>real. </em>Including the "using shapes and colors that do not represent things" answer, abstract art like that can be interpreted to the feeling of emptiness.
This is to bring to your concern, that I am Amit Mishra, I am writing this letter to address a concern which I recently faced by your company. I purchased a furniture but it was defectived when delivered,I would like a refund/exchange if possible.
I would assume, the best way to measure if it's achievable would be making a graph of various ages and seeing when most people achieve these indicators and how many do it.