Answer:1. Sensacionalista. 2.tira cómica. 3.emisora. 4.lectores. 5.anuncios. 6.temporada. 7. redactor
Explanation:1. They talk about press that is not serious, amog the options the most appropriate is sensacionalist. 2. Talking about a periodic publication on a newspaper, it makes sense for it to be a comic. 3. programs of classical music are in radio stations. 4. Magazines are bought by readers. 5. pop stars get a lot of money from advertisement. 6. soup operas are produced season by season, as series. 7. Magazines are in need of writers not speakers, at least in the paper version.
--->Even if it’s seemingly one of the Top 5 tourist sites of Santiago, Cerro San Cristóbal. This big hill is located in the middle of the city which gives one of the most beautiful Santiago panoramas available.
--->Poncho is a Spanish loan word used in the US. It is a word which originally came from Araucanian. "Araucanian" is of Spanish origin too. The term Mapuche, meaning, "people from the land" was the term used to designate the Araucanians inhabitants of the south-central area of the Chilean territory ans southern Argentina.
Ummm isn't this math homework?
I like to play with my cousins every Sunday.
hope dis helpssssss