The weary of the Negro Question and the sick of carpet bag government signifies the Northerners tiredness in trying to solve the race problem in the South and also were suspicious of what they were beginning to see as a corrupt government. I hope you are satisfied with my answer and feel free to ask for more
Shays's Rebellion exposed the weakness of the government under the Articles of Confederation and led many—including George Washington—to call for strengthening the federal government in order to put down future uprisings.
The Catholic Church did NOT like the Reformation. And they did many things to try and stop it.. but most deemed unsuccessful, the reasons being. Well first off all humans are like little kids.. when you tell them not to do something.. you wanna do it. Second people REALLY believed in the Reformation and the people who led it. (there are more if you need)
marriage rites
when two people of different faith get married there is unity