One of the ones I realy like is aphrodite, then there is zues, hercules, hera, persephone etc.
The Magna Carta is the document that granted rights to nobles in England, limiting the king's ability to tax them.
Herbert Hoover earned the nickname "The Great Humanitarian" because he A) successfully managed the distribution of food to Allied nations throughout World War I. He was largely successful in handing out humanitarian aid in war-time Belgium. He wanted to make it his goal to feed all of Belgium during the war period and actually was able to do this, along with giving many Belgians clothes and cash which was well distributed among the population and never reached the hands of the Germans.
declaring his own proclamation of Rebellion
preached a philosophy of self-help, racial solidarity and accomodation. he urged blacks to accept discrimination for the time being and concentrate on elevating themselves through hard work and material prosperity