<span>As water in the oceans cools down, it tends to Sink
Because when water becomes warm due to the heat of the sun it floats to the surface of the ocean and cool water is in the bottom</span>
Useful satellite data concerning sea ice began in late 1978 with the launch of NASA's Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) satellite.
mountains form from collision of earths plates
Piney woods could be considered valuable for many reasons such stated. Piney woods is gone to many different ecosystems and it also provides shelter and is a home to many animals and insects, some among those are endangered or could become endangered in the near future. Although this could harm the environment Piney Woods could be also be valuable for the possibilities of financial gain.It could provide financial gain in many ways such as cutting down trees for wood and other resorts and it you could also gain money by hunting or killing the animals and organisms housed within Piney Wood.This paragraph just stated a couple ways Piney Woods is valuable or how it can be of value but there is also many other ways Piney woods could and will be considered valuable for.
I hope this helps :)
1) Jupiter is a planet made entirely out if gas, therefore humans can't walk on Jupiter and Jupiter lacks oxygen.
2) Uranus is a Ice giant, that means it's very cold and humans would most likely freeze to death. Also Uranus lacks oxogen..
3) Neptune is the farthest known planet from the sun, that makes Neptune too cold to be lived on.
4)Pluto is far from the sun, which would make it very cold
5) Mars would be perfect for humans, but the o-zone lacks of oxygen. Scientists say, Mars could support like if we simulate life on earth. Mars is also humid enough to support life.