The people of Onondaga valued dreams much than anything. The story “The Earth on Turtle's Back” is based on the dream that the chief's wife saw. The wife dreams about a tree being uprooted. She tells the villagers and the chief about the dream. Her husband after great effort uproots the tree out. When the wife looked into the hole created after the tree was uprooted, she fell into it. The animals rescued her and showed genuine concern for her. Onondaga people give credit to the animals and the Sky woman for creating the Earth. This shows that the people possess respect and affection for nature. Hence they consider that the world belongs to the animals first.
People of Onondaga valued dreams because for them the creation of the Earth had happened only after the pregnant woman saw the dream.
Students must understand that there is no single theme to any piece of literature. The more complex the literature, the more possible themes there are. Authors will help students read between the lines for the theme, either through motifs or dominant ideas that are repeated throughout the story. You have to understand the basics of the characterization, plot and other literary elements that are included in the story that you are reading.
A temporary camp without tents or cover used especially by soldiers or mountaineers
Marry Warren may be the answer