<span>The child is explaining Framton's behavior.
In this passage, Vera is creating a false tale about why her Uncle is scared of dogs. This is a critical moment because readers realize Vera has often lied to them throughout the novel.</span>
In citing a news paper article on an MLA works cited page, the article should be written like this.
Last Name, First Name. “Article Title.” Newspaper Name Publication Date: Page Numbers. Medium.
Therefore the answer to this item is definitely letter D.
<span>Harkins, Miranda. "The Real Abraham Lincoln." Farberville News. August 22, 2013.Print.
</span>Harkins (Last Name), Miranda (First Name)."the Real Abraham Lincoln" (“Article Title”).Farberville News (Newspaper Name Publication) August 22, 2013 (Date)<span>
Present perfect tense. Have washed is the verb, Have or Has is used to show an action that has taken place in the present, not quite long or is still taking place
the first men who came to Iceland to live there permanently were Ingólfur and Hjörleifur. The two came to Iceland in 874. Hjörleifur was killed by his slaves, which only left Ingólfur and his wife Hallgerdur Fródadóttir.