The sentence that has an error in subject-verb agreement is D. The man, in the next apartment, as well as the people across the hall, have lived in the building since 1960.
Subject-verb agreement means that the subject of a sentence and the verb must agree in number. That is to say, both of them need to be singular or plural. In sentence D, the subject of the sentence is "the man" and the verb is "have lived". As the sentence refers to one man, the verb should be "has lived" in order to agree in number with the subject.
Many women replaced men on the baseball field and in factories.
Adj. N. V. N. Pr. Ar. Adj. N. Con. Pr. N.
Adjective (Adj.): Describes a noun
Noun (N): Person, place, thing, or idea
Verb (V.): Action
Prep (Pr.): Word that describes location
Article (Ar.): The, an, a
Conjunction (Con.): Connects a string of words together
<span>The statement, "Mary Louise Burrows is directly characterized as poised" correctly describes a portion of the characterization in this excerpt. Specifically, this is implied by the words, "...her unconscious but distinctive poise of bearing," which phrase is then contrasted with, "...And she was fifteen -- an age when many girls are both awkward and shy."</span>
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