One of the reasons why there was a need for reform in the US during the mid-1800s is because the US was expanding economically at a rapid pace, as well as expanding to the west, and there was practically no government oversight of growth--which led to people and firms being taken advantage of.
The New York shirtwaist strike of 1909, also known as the Uprising of the 20,000, was a labor strike primarily inviliving Jewish women working in N.Y. Shirtwaist factiories.
At state level should be endorsing legislation or a new law like no guns
The following line from paragraph 1 highlights the idea that a leader only has to appear cruel but can, in truth, be merciful. A leader must do that to maintain the order in his territory, especially when it comes to big countries. The philosophy is that people are still and quiet when they respect the leader, and in some kind of way, are afraid of the leader, king or president. A leader must behave as an authority and show to people they must respect him for his certain characteristics and way of leading. A leader can completely change the concept of thinking if he is smart enough.
This is entirely opinionated, but I'll remind you how much tension the Cold War brought. You can answer it either as a citizen or a world leader, I think.
The Cold War brought fear into practically everyone. Everyone was second guessing their friends, families, neighbors, even bosses to being Communist spies. The fear of someone, even in the government, being a spy wreaked havoc in society. Television began broadcasting commercials of what to do if your neighbor is a spy, there were advertisements in the paper, you couldn't go anywhere without being reminded of the Cold War. No Russian was trusted at this time. Not to mention there was the fear of a nuclear attack. There were fallout shelters made in people's homes, schools, and community gathering places. Cartoons were made for children to teach them what they should do if a nuclear warhead were to hit. It was basically Hell.