The competition on the market is something that has very positive impact on the consumers, but also on the whole world as a whole. When there is competition, the companies are producing products of higher quality in order to get advantage. Not just that the quality is improved, but also the prices go lower, so that the advantage can be even greater. The companies also have to be very creative and constantly come up with innovations so that they can be a step in front of the competition. This results in products of higher quality, cheaper, and constantly having new attractive products on the market.
At the 1787 convention, Sherman proposed that the representation at the House of representatives should be based on the population, while at the Senate every state should be equally represented.
The Number of Representatives for each state is at least one representative and does not exceed one for every thirty Thousand while at the Senate is each state, whatsoever the population, is equally represented by two senators.
It doesn't seem like any of these seem to apply- I suggest trying to look elsewhere for answers or looking for a summary on these amendments to see which one fits best. But here's what I can understand s o far in the explanation below.
The 1st amendment is about freedom of speech and religion.
The second is the right to bear arms for a militia.
The 5th is about being able to not answer questions during a trial, as people can say "I plead the fifth" rather than committing perjury on stand and under oath by lying.
The 14th amendment is how people born in the US are considered citizens of the US even if their parents were from other countries.
Humanism is a philosophical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively. The meaning of the term humanism has fluctuated according to the successive intellectual movements which have identified with it.[1] Generally, however, humanism refers to a perspective that affirms some notion of human freedom and progress. It views humanity as responsible for the promotion and development of individuals, espouses the equal and inherent dignity of all human beings, and emphasizes a concern for humans in relation to the world.
In modern times, humanist movements are typically non-religious movements aligned with secularism, and today humanism may refer to a nontheistic life stance centred on human agency and looking to science rather than revelation from a supernatural source to understand the world.
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OPEC has been gaining steady power and influencing the global oil market since the 1970s when OPEC had ~50% of market share in global crude oil production. High market share has also given OPEC the bargaining power to price oil above what prices would be in a more competitive market.