Answer:Emperador romano es el término utilizado por los historiadores para referirse a los gobernantes del Imperio romano tras el final de la República romana.
En la Antigua Roma no existía el título de «emperador romano», sino que este título era más bien una abreviatura práctica para una complicada reunión de cargos y poderes. A pesar de la popularidad actual del título, el primero en ostentarlo realmente fue Miguel I Rangabé a principios del siglo IX, cuando se hizo llamar Basileus Rhomaion (‘emperador de los romanos’). Hay que tener en cuenta que en aquella época el significado de Basileus había cambiado de ‘soberano’ a ‘emperador’. Tampoco existía ningún título o rango análogo al título de emperador, sino que todos los títulos asociados tradicionalmente al emperador tenían su origen en la época republicana.
La discusión sobre los emperadores romanos está influenciada en gran medida por el punto de vista editorial de los historiadores. Los mismos romanos no compartían los modernos conceptos monárquicos de «imperio» y «emperador». Durante su existencia, el Imperio romano conservó todas las instituciones políticas y las tradiciones de la República romana, incluyendo el Senado y las asambleas.
En general, no se puede describir a los emperadores como gobernantes de iure. Oficialmente, el cargo de emperador era considerado como el «primero entre iguales» (primus inter pares), y muchos de ellos no llegaron a ser gobernantes de facto, sino que frecuentemente fueron simples testaferros de poderosos burócratas, funcionarios, mujeres y generales.
In the days before World War II, all three countries were colonies/territories of other countries.
The Philippines was an American Territory.
Vietnam was a French Colony.
India was a British Colony.
Hope this helps!
The Radical Republicans were a faction of American politicians within the Republican Party of the United States from around 1854 (before the American Civil War) until the end of Reconstruction in 1877. They called themselves "Radicals" and were opposed during the War by the Moderate Republicans (led by President Abraham Lincoln), by the conservative Republicans, and the largely pro-slavery and later anti-Reconstruction Democratic Party, as well as by conservatives in the South and liberals in the North during Reconstruction.[1] Radicals strongly opposed slavery during the war and after the war distrusted ex-Confederates, demanding harsh policies for punishing the former rebels, and emphasizing equality, civil rights, and voting rights for the "freedmen" (recently freed slaves).[2]
During the war, Radical Republicans often opposed Lincoln in terms of selection of generals (especially his choice of DemocratGeorge B. McClellan for top command of the major eastern Army of the Potomac) and his efforts to bring seceded Southern states back into the Union as quickly and easily as possible. The Radicals passed their own reconstruction plan through the Congress in 1864, but Lincoln vetoed it and was putting his own presidential policies in effect by virtue as military commander-in-chief when he was assassinated in April 1865.[3] Radicals pushed for the uncompensated abolition of slavery, while Lincoln wanted to pay slave owners who were loyal to the Union. After the war, the Radicals demanded civil rights for freedmen, such as measures ensuring suffrage. They initiated the various Reconstruction Acts, and limited political and voting rights for ex-Confederate civil officials, military officers and soldiers. They bitterly fought President Andrew Johnson; they weakened his powers and attempted to remove him from office through impeachment, which failed by one vote in 1868.