Word processing program is an example of a software. All the others,
such as Printer, Keyboard and Mouse are examples of Computer peripheral
devices or in short hardware devices. Generally these listed hardware
devices come under input or output computer device category. Also, by
classic meaning in layman terms these hardware components can be touched
or felt. In contrast, a word processing program is a part of a computer
system that consists of data or computing instructions and provides the
mechanism to computer to perform a certain task utilizing it's hardware
resources. Such components of computer system which are written using
one of the computer languages are called computer software or software
programs or simply software.
The settings are retained
Bios software is stored in a non-volatile ROM (Read-Only Memory) chip found on
the motherboard. Usually, this kind of
chip retains its contents even after a normal system shutdown. Rom chips
contains programs that are collectively referred to as BIOS chip or Basic Input/Output
Answer below
Maximum transmission unit (MTU)
A maximum transmission unit (MTU) is the largest packet or frame size that is usually specified in Eight-bit bytes, which can be sent in a packet or frame-based network such as the internet.
Longest Prefix Match
Longest prefix match is an algorithm used by routers in Internet Protocol to lookup the IP prefix that will likely be the terminal point of the next hop from the router.
CIDR and Subnet Mask
CIDR, known in full as Classless inter-domain routing, is a set of IP standards that is used to make customized identifiers for networks and individual devices.
A subnet mask separates the internet protocol (IP) address into the network address and host address.
Switching Fabric
Switching fabric is simply an arrangement of the elements of a communication network also known as network topology, whereby the nodes of the network are seen to interconnect with one or more network switches.