Asset ratio is a business tool used to measure the efficiency of assets towards sales generation by comparing net sales to average total assets.
It is calculated by dividing the net sales by average total assets.
The average total assets is used in order to make allowance for fluctuation in the course of business year
Net sales = $217550
Opening total asset = $94200
Closing Total assets = $ 113500
Asset ratio turnover = 217550/(94200+113500)/2
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Horizontal or trend analysis involves is a financial statement analysis technique that shows the percentage change or dollar change in a corresponding financial statement's item.
For example, the change in the fixed assets by a way of increase or decrease compared to last year's financial statements.
change in a particular line item=(current year amount/previous year)-1
Private Employers.
The Right to know law discusses workers rights to know about dangerous chemicals/substances in the workplace and is overseen by OSHA ..
The correct answer is letter "E": "A" and "B".
In order to accomplish its monetary policy, the Federal Reserve (<em>Fed</em>) buys and sells securities in the open market to control the money supply. If there is more money supply in the open market, loan rates will decrease allowing investors to access more capital. At the same time, the Fed reserves and assets will increment.
One transformational leader that we can talk about was Martin Luther King Jr. who was an Activist and Minister who fought for American Civil Rights in the United States in the early 1950s. MLK jr. was both assisted and hindered by the time in history in which his efforts took place. This is because at the time African American Rights were almost non-existant and the Civil Rights movements were at an all time high. This means that MLK jr. was able to amass many followers as he was fighting to make the world a more equal place for everyone, but at the same time it was a time in history where racism was at an all time high as well. This hindered his efforts greatly and ultimately led to his death in 1968. Regardless, Martin Luther King Jr. made one of the biggest impacts in the Civil Rights movements in history as a transformational leader.