The two phrases are:
1. Manifest Destiny
2. Expanding Expectations
Manifest Destiny was a popular phrase in the 19th century that propagated a belief that the Americans had a right to expand their territory across the continent and by doing so, they will be spreading their own brand of 'freedom' and 'democracy' to all people.
Expanding expectations is another phrase which described how there was huge political will in Washington, to expand the American land and reach the Pacific coast.
That is because theories of environmental determinism often led to racism and eugenics because it was believed that psychology and physiology of people varied due to their location, which meant that other races were different from us, and it was mostly used as an excuse to treat them as inferior.
They walked across the bering strait which was the land bridge at the time this is the theory
Researchers claim that human migration to Southeast Asia began in 4000 BC and Tonga and Samoa was settled by 1300 BC. Captain Samuel Wallis was the first documented explorer to discover the island of Tahiti.
Captain James cook also made his first trip to Tahiti in April 1769 and made the first map of the island illustrations of flora and fauna. The British and French missionaries arrived at the islands in 1800s and it started rivalry between France an Britain to gain control of the islands.
Tahiti was ruled by native Pomare Family until December 29, 1880. In 1880 The french reached an agreement with the Queen's son, Pomare Fifth and purchased lands.
They transformed the protectorate into officially recognised colony. It was reconstituted as French overseas territory and was named French Polynesia. It gained autonomy in 1977 and became an overseas country of the French Republic on February 12, 2004.