AN area of nature where i live is the nature trail and paul b johnson
We live in a society where if a boy cries he gets told to man up, and if a girl cries she gets called an attention seeker. Welcome to our society. You will be judged on what you wear, you will be judged on the size of your thigh’s, you will be judged on what music you listen to, you will be judged on what you look like, you will be judged on who you hang around with, and you’ll get made fun of for being who you really are. The people around you don’t care for you, why would they, they don’t take time out to ask what’s wrong, they don’t see the face you're trying to hide. The society we live in messes with our minds. They tell us one thing is right but 2 seconds later it’s wrong. But life goes on with you understanding how our society works or not. The world sounds horrible, but it has its perks. Welcome to society, We hope you enjoy your stay, And please feel free to be yourself, As long as it’s in the right way. Make sure you love your body, Not too much or we’ll tear you down. We’ll bully you for smiling, And then wonder why you frown. We’ll tell you that you’re worthless, That you shouldn’t make a sound, And then cry with all the others, As you’re buried in the ground. You can fall in love with anyone, As long as it’s who we choose, And we’ll let you have your opinions, But please shape them to our views. Welcome to society, We promise that we won’t deceive, And one more rule now that you are here, There’s no way that you can leave, So please if you try you will be marked with a look of disgrace. Everyone talks to each other we will all know that reality is too much for you to handle. so we will make your reality HELL whether you like it or not. we don’t care what you think as long as you match what we want you to be. But it is really “we” who want you to be something? or is it what you think “we” want you to be. If we laugh at one little thing is it us judging you or your thoughts tearing you down? why do you give the power of our words over you, you let us work our way in your mind. why is that? we’re not your friend’s but we’re not your enemy. we judge you to tear you down but for some reason, we don’t like to see you fall. but yet we kick you while you’re down, how is that fair? because it’s not. Welcome to our society…. won’t you stay awhile we love having new people so we can kick others away. why do we do this? because it’s easy, the people of our society are already corrupted, you guys don’t have each other’s back you make fun of each other, you laugh at each other, you bully each other. you do this to your selves we just push more pressure to look like a perfect silicone barbie doll, but what makes it easiest for us is that you guys will leave each other in the dirt to make sure we like what we see when you are in our presence. you should be more focused on whether you like what you see because if we see that you’re not comfortable with your self we will make sure you hate your self. you just need to learn that girls are stronger together if you lift each other instead of pulling each other down you will thrive instead of hiding. you could face our society in the face with no fear or no insecurities because you know you are enough whether you have support or not you need to be you if you don’t our society will eat you alive, chew you up and spit you out. Welcome to our society I hope you enjoy your stay as long as you learn to do it right you can either hide from us or thrive in us.
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B)The colonists should seperate from great britain and create there own government.Apex
Heck Tate wants to protect Boo Radley because although Boo killed Bob Ewell, he does not want Boo to get into the public eye, and go into court. Heck would rather everyone think that Bob fell upon his own knife, therefore killing himself.
~Hope I helped!~