That's nice, but there's no question to answer?
If you edit and post the question, I'd be happy to try and answer it
Coffee is a drink roasted from coffee beans that are seeds of berries from the Coffea plant.
ExBattle of Actium, (September 2, 31 bc), naval battle off a promontory in the north of Acarnania, on the western coast of Greece, where Octavian (known as the emperor Augustus after 27 bc), by his decisive victory over Mark Antony, became the undisputed master of the Roman worldplanation:
<span>The following are arranged according to their chronological order:
</span><span>"door of the Gospel" opens to the Gentiles Acts 12
</span><span>Jerusalem Council Acts 7
</span><span>Herod persecutes the church Acts 16-18
</span><span>Resistance begins under Annas and Caiaphas Acts 2
</span><span>Stoning of Stephen Acts 13-14
</span><span>Day of Pentecost Acts 4
</span><span>Paul to Rome Acts 11
</span><span>First Missionary Journey Acts 15
</span><span>Second Missionary Journey Acts 27
</span><span>Third Missionary Journey Acts 18-20