<em><u> Definition of child labor:</u></em>
<em><u>Child labor refers to practically any form of work or physical participation/activity that can deprive a child of his/her/their childhood. Such activities that are unwanted or unfavorable to both the physical and mental health of the child and/or children involved also affects their normal development as a human being.</u></em>
- In some countries, parents consider their children as a reliable source of income. It can be a huge support for poor families if their children bring in the money.
- Children from a poor family can pay their school fees by working during their free time.
- Some children in developing countries often help with their family business, which assists in the process of the products.
- Child Labor is cheap. If a family has sick family members, the child can work and bring in income.
<em> </em>
<em> </em><u><em>Negatives</em></u>
- Child labor often involved children working in hazardous and dangerous conditions.
- They start from a very young age which can strip them from their childhood.
- Children are working, so they have no access to education.
- The organizations that employ children to work sometimes abuse them illegally if they are not working up to expected standards.
The four different ways by which the constitution may be formally changed included:
1. Proposal by convention of states which is ratified by state convention.
2. Proposal by convention of states which is ratified by state legislature.
3. Proposal by state congress which is ratified by state conventions and
4. Proposal by state congress which is ratified by the state legislature.
The most common one that is always used is proposal by state congress which is ratified by the state legislature.
These four ways are the paths for constitution amendment.
a. When the humidity is low, water droplets form on cold surfaces.
The Mayflower Compact was needed to institute a government with just and equal laws.
Hope this helps, if not let me know.